AR catalog for clothing

AR catalog for clothing play

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AR catalog for clothing is another way to give user ability to interact with the product. It helps to get basic parameters of the product, such as size, surface quality and color. User can scroll through the catalog to select item and view it in AR mode. The best way to view it of corse is to try it on virtually. The difference between classic and AR catalog is in ability to view content in 3d in real environment. User can get the idea of how product would look, including the lightning. AR catalog for clothing gives user ability to virtually “touch” the product, bring it home or anywhere he wants. He can make photo and video content, using the virtual product to share it with his friends and get the feedback.

You can add different features to your AR catalog for clothing, for example users avatars. You don’t need to use complex functions like virtual try-on to view your clothing on the user. User can use his avatar to combine different clothing on it, viewing the result in AR. User avatars have user face using our special feature, based on user’s photo.

Moreover, user can set up avatar with their parameters of size. This AR feature can be added to your website, or implemented in existing application. Also, we can add AI feature to generate new looks and even new clothing. You can use data of such user sessions to make customer development and find new looks for your future collections.

You can learn more ways of using AR features for your products here

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