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VR HSE is a kind of VR training solutions, designed to help users improve their skills. In this case it’s about skills of survival in emergency situations. Such situations are about acting in cases of injuries (first aid), fire, working on a height. VR HSE helps user to work out these situations, to collect experience and improve actions efficiency.

The more experience user have, the more effective his action will be in a case of emergency. VR HSE has big benefits – first of all, you can design fully controlled experiences. Second – you can collect all user’s data to build strong analytics. You can view any user session to check failures and errors during it. Using web-interface you can build and change existing scenarios and configure users settings. Another good option is opportunity to build multiplayer experiences, to train command skills. In this mode users can interact with each other, use voice-chat, and execute collaborative tasks.

The most effect from implementing this solution can get production companies. Using it for training reduces risks connected with health and safety, as well as financial risks. Training actions during the fire users can work out getting out from the building using the emergency routs. Training first aid actions users increases chances to survive in the case of injury.

While VR HSE gives ability to train any actions unlimited number of times, the only resource it spends is electricity. In opposite – real training is always connected with consumption of consumables.

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