Fire safety VR simulator

Fire safety VR simulator play


Training sessions


Average saved learning time


Increasing throughput

A task

A corporate client contacted us with a request to create an interactive simulator. We asked them to develop a Virtual Fire Simulator.

Work completion time

20 days

Fire safety VR simulator is a virtual reality application. In it, the user can go through two 
main scenarios, the main goal of which is to leave the premises in case of fire.
The simulator allows you to act flexibly in a fire situation. The user can simply execute the 
main script, or can perform additional useful actions. Such as calling 911, power outage, 
extinguishing a fire with a hand-held fire extinguisher. Also, he can inform virtual people 
inside the application about the fire and ask them to leave the premises.


All user actions are evaluated by the action rating system. Parameters such as the time 
spent inside the premises, the correct sequence of actions, rescued people, being near the 
source of fire and extinguishing the fire are taken into account.
As a result, the user scores a score, which is either passing or not.

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